Refreshing to be faced with a futuristic vision after
experiencing a soul full concert.



Second visit to this interesting venue. 
Not sure how I felt about it but both
visits were enjoyable. A good reflection 
on the cavernous space.



I had the pleasure of visiting this place 
a couple of times recently. A beautiful
space from another era. Timeless.



An area I had not been for a while. It had changed so
much... For better or for worse? I cannot say.



Rainy cold evening, walking in an area 
which I used to visit regularly in the past. 
Marvelling at the changes I was
particularly drawn by this scene.



Nice to see a contemporary take on something
conventional. And lack of 'distraction' also adds to the
sense of serenity.



In an area where visual info overload is
the norm, it made me stop in my tracks
when I came to this.